Fun physics fact: humans are at the center of the universe (qua scale). This anthro-centrism holds for length, duration, and mass at least.
Mass is the easiest: the Planck mass is 0.021764 milligrams, the mass of an eyebrow hair. Small, but very human. The Planck mass is the boundary to QM (a system more massive than the PM won’t exhibit quantum behavior since its Compton wavelength is smaller than the Planck Length).
Length: the smallest length in physics is the Planck Length (1.6163×10^-35 meters), the largest length in physics is the universe diameter (8.8×10^26 meters). The center of these two extremes is sqrt(1.6163×10^-35 meters * 8.8×10^26 meters) = 0.1193 millimeters. That’s the width of a man’s beard hair, diameter of a human embryo, etc. Very human.
Time might seem a bit contrived to Copernicists since I’ll be looking at distance again: (light speed) * sqrt( (universe age) * (planck time)) = 0.0459 millimeters:
So even disregarding the cosmological event horizon being equidistant from the Earth in all directions (Copernicists invoke Copernican-of-the-gaps to dismiss the obvious implication), man is still at the center of Creation.
Fun physics fact: humans are at the center of the universe (qua scale). This anthro-centrism holds for length, duration, and mass at least.
Mass is the easiest: the Planck mass is 0.021764 milligrams, the mass of an eyebrow hair. Small, but very human. The Planck mass is the boundary to QM (a system more massive than the PM won’t exhibit quantum behavior since its Compton wavelength is smaller than the Planck Length).
Length: the smallest length in physics is the Planck Length (1.6163×10^-35 meters), the largest length in physics is the universe diameter (8.8×10^26 meters). The center of these two extremes is sqrt(1.6163×10^-35 meters * 8.8×10^26 meters) = 0.1193 millimeters. That’s the width of a man’s beard hair, diameter of a human embryo, etc. Very human.
Time might seem a bit contrived to Copernicists since I’ll be looking at distance again: (light speed) * sqrt( (universe age) * (planck time)) = 0.0459 millimeters:
So even disregarding the cosmological event horizon being equidistant from the Earth in all directions (Copernicists invoke Copernican-of-the-gaps to dismiss the obvious implication), man is still at the center of Creation.