Feels like I would expose my motivation system too much, and make myself vulnerable to possible manipulation.
Definitely. You should take precautions when people make themselves known as your adversary, either implicitly or explicitly each would amount to different counter strategies of course.
Personally, I’ve separated internally and externally influenced pride. Over time I’ve found that the externally influenced pride is of little to no value since people are very different from each other. Unless your sole focus is on social status and standings, then external influence is not a really good pathway/guideline for your own growth and personal journey. My proudest moments always correlate to the amount of effort I put into each and my own ability to find solutions and answers to questions that I have. How much you value internal vs external influences depend on your own circumstance and the thought patterns you’ve developed both consciously and subconsciously as a result of such circumstance. It’s nice to hear what others have to say about themselves and what motivate them as they are inspirations for your own journey if they align with your personal path in life.
Definitely. You should take precautions when people make themselves known as your adversary, either implicitly or explicitly each would amount to different counter strategies of course.
Personally, I’ve separated internally and externally influenced pride. Over time I’ve found that the externally influenced pride is of little to no value since people are very different from each other. Unless your sole focus is on social status and standings, then external influence is not a really good pathway/guideline for your own growth and personal journey. My proudest moments always correlate to the amount of effort I put into each and my own ability to find solutions and answers to questions that I have. How much you value internal vs external influences depend on your own circumstance and the thought patterns you’ve developed both consciously and subconsciously as a result of such circumstance. It’s nice to hear what others have to say about themselves and what motivate them as they are inspirations for your own journey if they align with your personal path in life.