I think we need some sort of wiki page to list high-value practical advice, where people could e.g. look under “health” and they’d be directed to Shangri-La for weight-loss, or a list of what supplements they should take for general health, with direct Amazon links, or melatonin, red light, red glasses, sleep masks, etc. for sleeping better, and so on. (I am not going to create such a page.)
I’m pretty sure I’ve saved time on net by looking through http://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/top?t=all
I think we need some sort of wiki page to list high-value practical advice, where people could e.g. look under “health” and they’d be directed to Shangri-La for weight-loss, or a list of what supplements they should take for general health, with direct Amazon links, or melatonin, red light, red glasses, sleep masks, etc. for sleeping better, and so on. (I am not going to create such a page.)