The cached belief is something I’ve repeatedly heard from Yudkowsky and Bostrom (or maybe I just reread/relistened to the same pieces from them), but as far as I’m aware, it has not proper citations.
I recall some mild annoyance at it not being substantiated. And I trust AI impacts’ judgment here better than Yudkowsky/Bostrom.
This seems too low as a “clock speed”, since obviously we can think way faster than 2 operations per second; my cached belief was ‘order of 100 Hz’.
I think that’s average firing rates. An average rate of < 1 thought per second doesn’t actually seem implausible? Our burst cognitive efforts exceed that baseline (“overclocking”), but it tires us out pretty quickly.
Thanks for pointing out the typo.
The cached belief is something I’ve repeatedly heard from Yudkowsky and Bostrom (or maybe I just reread/relistened to the same pieces from them), but as far as I’m aware, it has not proper citations.
I recall some mild annoyance at it not being substantiated. And I trust AI impacts’ judgment here better than Yudkowsky/Bostrom.
I think that’s average firing rates. An average rate of < 1 thought per second doesn’t actually seem implausible? Our burst cognitive efforts exceed that baseline (“overclocking”), but it tires us out pretty quickly.