Um. Do I have a choice about creating multiple top-level posts? (Yes, that is a serious question) Once a post is below threshold . . . .
You can leave the subject lie, and carry on commenting on other people’s.
I’m perfectly willing to accept that I’m not expressing myself in a fashion that this community is happy with (the definition of clear is up for grabs ;-)
No, the definition of clear is not up for grabs. Something is clear if it is easily understood by those with the necessary baseline knowledge. Your posts are not.
You are acting indignant, whether you are or not, and that is not endearing.
My explanation was clearly either poorly communicated or flawed. I disagree with necessarily flawed.
Your communication is an essential part of your explanation. If your communication is poor (aka flawed) then your explanation is poor (aka flawed)
the way LessWrong treats all newcomers is unnecessarily harsh to the extent that you all have an established reputation of having built an “echo chamber” but that this can be changed.
I’ve been here less time than you. I came in with the idea that I’d learn how the culture works, and behave appropriately within it while improving rationality.
I’m not exactly popular, and I’ve been in some rather heated debates, but you see me as part of the establishment. Why? Because I made an effort.
Make that effort. Try and be part of the community, rather than setting yourself apart deliberately. Think things through before you do them.
You can leave the subject lie, and carry on commenting on other people’s.
No, the definition of clear is not up for grabs. Something is clear if it is easily understood by those with the necessary baseline knowledge. Your posts are not.
You are acting indignant, whether you are or not, and that is not endearing.
Your communication is an essential part of your explanation. If your communication is poor (aka flawed) then your explanation is poor (aka flawed)
I’ve been here less time than you. I came in with the idea that I’d learn how the culture works, and behave appropriately within it while improving rationality.
I’m not exactly popular, and I’ve been in some rather heated debates, but you see me as part of the establishment. Why? Because I made an effort. Make that effort. Try and be part of the community, rather than setting yourself apart deliberately. Think things through before you do them.