suppose I believe the second coming involves the Lord giving a speech on capitol hill. one thing I might care about is how long until that happens. the fact that lots of people disagree about when the second coming is doesn’t mean the Lord will give His speech soon.
similarly, the thing that I define as AGI involves AIs building Dyson spheres. the fact that other people disagree about when AGI is doesn’t mean I should expect Dyson spheres soon.
The amount of contention says something about whether an event occurred according to the average interpretation. Whether it occurred according to your specific interpretation depends on how close that interpretation is to the average interpretation.
You can’t increase the probability of getting a million dollars by personally choosing to define a contentious event as you getting a million dollars.
My response to this is to focus on when a Dyson Swarm is being built, not AGI, because it’s easier to define the term less controversially.
And a large portion of disagreements here fundamentally revolves around being unable to coordinate on what a given word means, which from an epistemic perspective doesn’t matter at all, but it does matter from a utility/coordination perspective, where coordination is required for a lot of human feats.
Specifically, as an antichrist, as the Gospels specifically warn that “false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce great signs and omens”, among other things. (And the position that the second coming has already happened—completely, not merely partially—is hyperpreterism.)
The actual Bayesian response would be for both the AGI case and the Second Coming case is that both hypotheses are invalid from the start due to underspecification, so any probability estimates/decision making for utility for these hypotheses are also invalid.
I wouldn’t call either hypothesis invalid. People just use the same words to refer to different things. This is true for all words and hypotheses to some degree. When there is little to no contention that we’re not in New York, or that we don’t have AGI, or that the Second Coming hasn’t happened, then those differences are not apparent. But presumably there is some correlation between the different interpretations, such that when the Event does take place, contention rises to a degree that increases as that correlation decreases[1]. (Where by Event I mean some event that is semantically within some distance to the average interpretation[2].)
Formally, I say that P(contentionAGI|¬AGI)≪P(contentionAGI|AGI), meaning VAGI=P(contentionAGI|¬AGI)P(contentionAGI|AGI) is small, where VAGI can be considered a measure of how vaguely the term AGI is specified.
The more vaguely an event is specified, the more contention there is when the event takes place. Conversely, the more precisely an event is specified, the less contention there is when the event takes place. It’s kind of obvious when you think about it. Using Bayes’ law we can additionally say the following.
That is, when there is contention about whether a vaguely defined event such as AGI has occurred, your posterior probability should be high, modulated by your prior for AGI (the posterior monotonically decreases with the prior). I think it’s also possible to say that the more contentious an event the higher the probability that it has occurred, but that may require some additional assumptions about the distribution of interpretations in semantic space.
An important difference between AGI and the Second Coming (at least among rationalists and AI researchers) is that the latter generally has a much lower prior probability than the former.
people disagree heavily on what the second coming will look like. this, of course, means that the second coming must be upon us
You’re kind of proving the point; the Second Coming is so vaguely defined that it might as well have happened. Some churches preach this.
If the Lord Himself did float down from Heaven and gave a speech on Capitol Hill, I bet lots of Christians would deride Him as an impostor.
suppose I believe the second coming involves the Lord giving a speech on capitol hill. one thing I might care about is how long until that happens. the fact that lots of people disagree about when the second coming is doesn’t mean the Lord will give His speech soon.
similarly, the thing that I define as AGI involves AIs building Dyson spheres. the fact that other people disagree about when AGI is doesn’t mean I should expect Dyson spheres soon.
The amount of contention says something about whether an event occurred according to the average interpretation. Whether it occurred according to your specific interpretation depends on how close that interpretation is to the average interpretation.
You can’t increase the probability of getting a million dollars by personally choosing to define a contentious event as you getting a million dollars.
My response to this is to focus on when a Dyson Swarm is being built, not AGI, because it’s easier to define the term less controversially.
And a large portion of disagreements here fundamentally revolves around being unable to coordinate on what a given word means, which from an epistemic perspective doesn’t matter at all, but it does matter from a utility/coordination perspective, where coordination is required for a lot of human feats.
Specifically, as an antichrist, as the Gospels specifically warn that “false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce great signs and omens”, among other things. (And the position that the second coming has already happened—completely, not merely partially—is hyperpreterism.)
The actual Bayesian response would be for both the AGI case and the Second Coming case is that both hypotheses are invalid from the start due to underspecification, so any probability estimates/decision making for utility for these hypotheses are also invalid.
I wouldn’t call either hypothesis invalid. People just use the same words to refer to different things. This is true for all words and hypotheses to some degree. When there is little to no contention that we’re not in New York, or that we don’t have AGI, or that the Second Coming hasn’t happened, then those differences are not apparent. But presumably there is some correlation between the different interpretations, such that when the Event does take place, contention rises to a degree that increases as that correlation decreases[1]. (Where by Event I mean some event that is semantically within some distance to the average interpretation[2].)
Formally, I say that P(contentionAGI|¬AGI)≪P(contentionAGI|AGI), meaning VAGI=P(contentionAGI|¬AGI)P(contentionAGI|AGI) is small, where VAGI can be considered a measure of how vaguely the term AGI is specified.
The more vaguely an event is specified, the more contention there is when the event takes place. Conversely, the more precisely an event is specified, the less contention there is when the event takes place. It’s kind of obvious when you think about it. Using Bayes’ law we can additionally say the following.
That is, when there is contention about whether a vaguely defined event such as AGI has occurred, your posterior probability should be high, modulated by your prior for AGI (the posterior monotonically decreases with the prior). I think it’s also possible to say that the more contentious an event the higher the probability that it has occurred, but that may require some additional assumptions about the distribution of interpretations in semantic space.
An important difference between AGI and the Second Coming (at least among rationalists and AI researchers) is that the latter generally has a much lower prior probability than the former.
Assuming rational actors.
Assuming a unimodal distribution of interpretations in semantic space.