(shrug) Well, I certainly agree that when I interact with a tulpa, I am interacting with a person… specifically, I’m interacting with the person whose tulpa it is, just as I am when I interact with a PC in an RPG.
What I disagree with is the claim that the tulpa has the moral status of a person (even a newborn person) independent of the moral status of the person whose tulpa it is.
I’m fairly certain talking to bodies that claim those things would not change my probability estimates on those claims unless powerful brainwashing techniques were used, and I certainly hope the same is the case for you.
On what grounds do you believe that? As I say, I observe that such experiences frequently convince other people; without some grounds for believing that I’m relevantly different from other people, my prior (your hopes notwithstanding) is that they stand a good chance of convincing me too. Ditto for talking to a tulpa.
((You can move a tulpa between minds to, probably, it just requires a lot of high tech, unethical surgery, and work. And probably gives the old host permanent severe brain damage. Same as with any other kind of incommunicable memory.))
(shrug) I don’t deny this (though I’m not convinced of it either) but I don’t see the relevance of it.
(shrug) Well, I certainly agree that when I interact with a tulpa, I am interacting with a person… specifically, I’m interacting with the person whose tulpa it is, just as I am when I interact with a PC in an RPG.
What I disagree with is the claim that the tulpa has the moral status of a person (even a newborn person) independent of the moral status of the person whose tulpa it is.
On what grounds do you believe that? As I say, I observe that such experiences frequently convince other people; without some grounds for believing that I’m relevantly different from other people, my prior (your hopes notwithstanding) is that they stand a good chance of convincing me too. Ditto for talking to a tulpa.
(shrug) I don’t deny this (though I’m not convinced of it either) but I don’t see the relevance of it.
Yea this seems to definitely be just a fundamental values conflict. Let’s just end the conversation here.