You got into an argument with a coworker (or someone else you see regularly). You had a bitter falling out.
“It takes two to tangle” and such. Is the reason for the falling out still there? Or is the residual hate just one of those lost purposes?
“It takes two to tango)” (not tangle)
Bonus related dinosaur comic
Yes, I’m still angry with him. He did something cruel to someone weak, and he got angry with me for saying that was wrong. I wish I could delete him from my life but he works near me.
“It takes two to tangle” and such. Is the reason for the falling out still there? Or is the residual hate just one of those lost purposes?
“It takes two to tango)” (not tangle)
Bonus related dinosaur comic
Yes, I’m still angry with him. He did something cruel to someone weak, and he got angry with me for saying that was wrong. I wish I could delete him from my life but he works near me.