I would have to say, “You can’t alter your actual self.” You are going to experience losing the lottery, even if you commit to not doing so. Whether or not you commit to accepting your future self as being yourself, the future you is going to wake up, lose the lottery, and remember being current you. That is a feature of his cognition: he remembers being you, you predict being him. Changing your prediction won’t change his memory, and certainly won’t change the events he experiences in his present.
I would have to say, “You can’t alter your actual self.” You are going to experience losing the lottery, even if you commit to not doing so. Whether or not you commit to accepting your future self as being yourself, the future you is going to wake up, lose the lottery, and remember being current you. That is a feature of his cognition: he remembers being you, you predict being him. Changing your prediction won’t change his memory, and certainly won’t change the events he experiences in his present.
You have to actually go out and rig the lottery.