Why are (b) and (d) not exceptions to your thesis, already?
You surely need to argue that exceptions to everything-is-prediction are i) non existent, or ii) minor or iii) undesirable, normatively wrong.
But co ordination is extremely valuable.
And “self fulfilling prophecy” is basically looking at creation and construction through the lens of prediction.
Making things is important. If you build something according to a blueprint, it will happen to be the case that once it is built, the blueprint describes it, but that is incidental.
You can make predictions about money, but that is not the central purpose of money.
Why are (b) and (d) not exceptions to your thesis, already?
You surely need to argue that exceptions to everything-is-prediction are i) non existent, or ii) minor or iii) undesirable, normatively wrong.
But co ordination is extremely valuable.
And “self fulfilling prophecy” is basically looking at creation and construction through the lens of prediction. Making things is important. If you build something according to a blueprint, it will happen to be the case that once it is built, the blueprint describes it, but that is incidental.
You can make predictions about money, but that is not the central purpose of money.