Jehova’s Witnesses aim to interpret the Bible literally...
I have been born into a family of Jehovah’s Witnesses and can assure you that this is false. They cherry-pick what is to be interpreted literally and what not. For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t believe into hell.
It would be less wrong to say that they actually use verses whose literal interpretation would condradict each other and cherry-pick which one of those verses has authority over the other.
ETA #2:
I suppose you could say that Jehovah’s Witnesses attempt to derive the coherent extrapolated volition of God by weighing all of the contradictions in the Bible against each other.
I have been born into a family of Jehovah’s Witnesses and can assure you that this is false. They cherry-pick what is to be interpreted literally and what not. For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t believe into hell.
It would be less wrong to say that they actually use verses whose literal interpretation would condradict each other and cherry-pick which one of those verses has authority over the other.
ETA #2:
I suppose you could say that Jehovah’s Witnesses attempt to derive the coherent extrapolated volition of God by weighing all of the contradictions in the Bible against each other.