Memories of experiences, sure, but at some point this map and territory metaphor breaks down. At what point does something enter the map as it progresses through your nervous system? I’m not sure we can cut a clean divide. So I gloss a bit here because zoomed out enough the distinction is obvious and meaningful but zoomed in it becomes a source of confusion.
The clean divide is at the point of the maximum zoom out—you can be sure that universe exist. Anything else is uncertain, including any sensations. The destinction between senses and theories is meaningful, but is not fundamental.
Memories of experiences, sure, but at some point this map and territory metaphor breaks down. At what point does something enter the map as it progresses through your nervous system? I’m not sure we can cut a clean divide. So I gloss a bit here because zoomed out enough the distinction is obvious and meaningful but zoomed in it becomes a source of confusion.
The clean divide is at the point of the maximum zoom out—you can be sure that universe exist. Anything else is uncertain, including any sensations. The destinction between senses and theories is meaningful, but is not fundamental.
What’s this universe you speak of?