That’s not a statement with a true/false value; it’s a philosophical/ethical assertion.
In any case, regardless of whether that statement is extensionally true at present, it will not be in the future, and we need to prepare for that future in advance.
Additionally, philosophy routinely finds it useful to ask hypothetical questions. Equipping ourselves with mental categories that make us incapable of comprehending hypotheticals about people from most possible worlds will lead to error.
That’s not a statement with a true/false value; it’s a philosophical/ethical assertion.
In any case, regardless of whether that statement is extensionally true at present, it will not be in the future, and we need to prepare for that future in advance.
Additionally, philosophy routinely finds it useful to ask hypothetical questions. Equipping ourselves with mental categories that make us incapable of comprehending hypotheticals about people from most possible worlds will lead to error.