Maybe we can invent a new label for people like you and me who aren’t sure if they identify as “rationalists” but nonetheless find themselves agreeing with lots of what’s written on Less Wrong anyway :P Quasirationalist or semirationalist, perhaps?
Actually, even though I said it is unimportant, I would like to explore further this particular question at some point. I would like to know:
1) How does my thought differ, if it does, from the major current of thought in LW.
2) Does this difference, if there is any, amount to the fact that I am not as rational as the average LWer is? Or is it due to factors that are neutral from the point of view of rationality (if there are such things)?
Maybe we can invent a new label for people like you and me who aren’t sure if they identify as “rationalists” but nonetheless find themselves agreeing with lots of what’s written on Less Wrong anyway :P Quasirationalist or semirationalist, perhaps?
Actually, even though I said it is unimportant, I would like to explore further this particular question at some point. I would like to know: 1) How does my thought differ, if it does, from the major current of thought in LW. 2) Does this difference, if there is any, amount to the fact that I am not as rational as the average LWer is? Or is it due to factors that are neutral from the point of view of rationality (if there are such things)?
I’ll write about it when I find the time.