Here’s an even clearer phrasing that refutes that. “What is day-to-day life like for a member of this community? How does it differ from what I’m accustomed to?” Really, I’m just trying to resolve the ambiguity that Vladimir_Nesov observed. Merely knowing that a group is rational and utilitarian (or at least, that it claims to be) doesn’t narrow down what it is very much.
Also, I would find the statement of hypothesis in the original post much clearer if you said “my hypothesis is that …” What you’ve stated instead is that you’re trying to prove your hypothesis, which is, I hope, wrong—rather, you’re investigating whether your hypothesis is true, without the specific goal of proving or disproving it.
Merely knowing that a group is rational and utilitarian (or at least, that it claims to be) doesn’t narrow down what it is very much.
Interesting. Those were sidelights for me as well. What was definitive for me was the statement of the community’s top-most goal.
What you’ve stated instead is that you’re trying to prove your hypothesis, which is, I hope, wrong—rather, you’re investigating whether your hypothesis is true, without the specific goal of proving or disproving it.
Here’s an even clearer phrasing that refutes that. “What is day-to-day life like for a member of this community? How does it differ from what I’m accustomed to?” Really, I’m just trying to resolve the ambiguity that Vladimir_Nesov observed. Merely knowing that a group is rational and utilitarian (or at least, that it claims to be) doesn’t narrow down what it is very much.
Also, I would find the statement of hypothesis in the original post much clearer if you said “my hypothesis is that …” What you’ve stated instead is that you’re trying to prove your hypothesis, which is, I hope, wrong—rather, you’re investigating whether your hypothesis is true, without the specific goal of proving or disproving it.
Interesting. Those were sidelights for me as well. What was definitive for me was the statement of the community’s top-most goal.
It’s definitive, in that it’s a definition, but it’s not very descriptive.