I meant lurking is slow, lurking is inefficient, and a higher probability that it gets worse results for the newbie. I’m not sure which objective is being referred to in that clause. I retract those evaluations as flawed.
Yeah, I made the same mistake twice in a row. First, I didn’t get that I didn’t get it. Then I “got it” and figured out some obvious stuff—and didn’t even consider that there probably was even more below that which I still didn’t get and that I should start looking for (and was an ass about it to boot). What a concept—I don’t know what I don’t know.
The playground option was an idiot idea. I actually figured out that I don’t want to go there and stagnate before your comment. I’ve got this horrible mental image of me being that guy that whines in boot camp. Let me take a few days and come up with a good answer to one of your questions (once I’ve worked this through a bit more).
I’d say thank you and sorry for being an ass but I’m not sure of its appropriateness right now. (Yeah, that tag is still really messing with me ;-)
ETA: Still re-calibrating. Realizing I’m way too spoiled about obtaining positive feedback . . . . ;-)
EDIT: Make that addicted to obtaining positive feedback and less accepting of negative feedback that I don’t immediately understand than I prefer to realize (and actually commenting on the first part seems to immediately recurse into hilarity)
I meant lurking is slow, lurking is inefficient, and a higher probability that it gets worse results for the newbie. I’m not sure which objective is being referred to in that clause. I retract those evaluations as flawed.
Yeah, I made the same mistake twice in a row. First, I didn’t get that I didn’t get it. Then I “got it” and figured out some obvious stuff—and didn’t even consider that there probably was even more below that which I still didn’t get and that I should start looking for (and was an ass about it to boot). What a concept—I don’t know what I don’t know.
The playground option was an idiot idea. I actually figured out that I don’t want to go there and stagnate before your comment. I’ve got this horrible mental image of me being that guy that whines in boot camp. Let me take a few days and come up with a good answer to one of your questions (once I’ve worked this through a bit more).
I’d say thank you and sorry for being an ass but I’m not sure of its appropriateness right now. (Yeah, that tag is still really messing with me ;-)
ETA: Still re-calibrating. Realizing I’m way too spoiled about obtaining positive feedback . . . . ;-) EDIT: Make that addicted to obtaining positive feedback and less accepting of negative feedback that I don’t immediately understand than I prefer to realize (and actually commenting on the first part seems to immediately recurse into hilarity)