Another part of the evolutionary psychology puzzle is the distinction of levels, or what Yudkowsky calls the hands vs fingers.
Its not that anger causes reproduction. Its the anger circuitry, or the ability to be angry, that causes better reproductive success. The former statement doesn’t even make sense in terms of evolutionary psychology, while the latter is fairly obvious (namely, that lack of anger leads to not fighting from a reproductively hopeless situation. Anger circuitry forces action from reproductive dead-ends)
Another part of the evolutionary psychology puzzle is the distinction of levels, or what Yudkowsky calls the hands vs fingers.
Its not that anger causes reproduction. Its the anger circuitry, or the ability to be angry, that causes better reproductive success. The former statement doesn’t even make sense in terms of evolutionary psychology, while the latter is fairly obvious (namely, that lack of anger leads to not fighting from a reproductively hopeless situation. Anger circuitry forces action from reproductive dead-ends)