First of all; I don’t see any apes or monkeys competing with us presently. Also, we are an evolved species. There have certainly been competitors along the way—perhaps said monkeys or apes and most certainly neanderthals as moshez mentioned. We’ve won though; that is hardly arguable.
Other simians compete with us for territory, but kind of like a team of quadriplegic children would compete in the World Cup, so it’s not immediately clear that it counts as competing.
First of all; I don’t see any apes or monkeys competing with us presently. Also, we are an evolved species. There have certainly been competitors along the way—perhaps said monkeys or apes and most certainly neanderthals as moshez mentioned. We’ve won though; that is hardly arguable.
Other simians compete with us for territory, but kind of like a team of quadriplegic children would compete in the World Cup, so it’s not immediately clear that it counts as competing.