I’m deeply confused by this question. I think we are not coming from the same factual background. Do you have some literature reviews or meta-analyses showing that parental input (other than genes) has no effect on cognition, and what the “host of other factors” are?
Not to hide the ball—if the list of other factors isn’t “literally everything that matters,” I’m going to claim that the other factors about which we have no evidence are worth the effort, and if it is “literally everything that matters,” I’m going to look at the tails of the distributions and, given that I chose to create this eventual conscious entity, conclude that I have a duty to chase tails above a certain low probability threshold.
I’m deeply confused by this question. I think we are not coming from the same factual background. Do you have some literature reviews or meta-analyses showing that parental input (other than genes) has no effect on cognition, and what the “host of other factors” are?
Not to hide the ball—if the list of other factors isn’t “literally everything that matters,” I’m going to claim that the other factors about which we have no evidence are worth the effort, and if it is “literally everything that matters,” I’m going to look at the tails of the distributions and, given that I chose to create this eventual conscious entity, conclude that I have a duty to chase tails above a certain low probability threshold.