More than that: a fully credentialed climate researcher who is prepared to back the position of an organisation like the CEI can line their own pockets far more effectively than one who backs the scientific consensus. You’d be celebrated in many quarters as the world’s leading authority on the subject, you’d get speaking engagements aplenty, lots of media attention, and more. It’s an extraordinary testament to personal integrity that so few go for it—as I say, I know of none who have.
More than that: a fully credentialed climate researcher who is prepared to back the position of an organisation like the CEI can line their own pockets far more effectively than one who backs the scientific consensus. You’d be celebrated in many quarters as the world’s leading authority on the subject, you’d get speaking engagements aplenty, lots of media attention, and more. It’s an extraordinary testament to personal integrity that so few go for it—as I say, I know of none who have.
I’m not sure I’d go that far. I don’t know who CEI is, but Bob Carter, John Christy ,and Richard Lindzen don’t seem to be drowning in oil money.