If parapsychology is studying the patently non-existent, then the fact that parapsychologists don’t typically spend their time debunking their own subject might suggest they are not up to par in some way, as a group, with “the rest of” science—unless you concede that other branches of science would also carry on in the face of total collapse in the credibility of their subject.
The nonexistence of psychic powers is less patently obvious than the truth of many-worlds in physics, so there is no proof that parapsychologists are less rational than average physicists. They are studying a widely despised subject, but that if anything should raise our estimate of their level.
That said, it’s entirely possible that, in reality, parapsychologists are lower-level. But we should not be so quick to assume this. And it remains that other sciences may also tend to contain some low-level people. Scientific protocols for saying when a theory has been verified are not supposed to rely on such things.
If parapsychology is studying the patently non-existent, then the fact that parapsychologists don’t typically spend their time debunking their own subject might suggest they are not up to par in some way, as a group, with “the rest of” science—unless you concede that other branches of science would also carry on in the face of total collapse in the credibility of their subject.
The nonexistence of psychic powers is less patently obvious than the truth of many-worlds in physics, so there is no proof that parapsychologists are less rational than average physicists. They are studying a widely despised subject, but that if anything should raise our estimate of their level.
That said, it’s entirely possible that, in reality, parapsychologists are lower-level. But we should not be so quick to assume this. And it remains that other sciences may also tend to contain some low-level people. Scientific protocols for saying when a theory has been verified are not supposed to rely on such things.
What is this “level” attribute you refer to? Does it mean intelligence or something more?
Those little numbers that appear above people’s heads. You can’t see them?
Please record your “level number” observations so that we mere mortals can test whether they correlate with anything independently verifiable.