...Confronted with a choice between (a) “the person asking me directions was just spontaneously replaced by somebody different, also asking me directions,” and (b) “I just had a brain fart,” I’ll consciously go for (a) every time, especially considering that I observe similar phenomena all the time (people spontaneously replacing each other immediately after having encountered them). …
I didn’t notice until I read Swimmer963′s comment. I did remember reading its parent and did remember that it said something sensible, so when I read the altered quotation I thought I had understood it to be ironic.
I’m curious, why do you take that view?
Missed it on the first read-through, heh. Excellent try.
I didn’t notice until I read Swimmer963′s comment. I did remember reading its parent and did remember that it said something sensible, so when I read the altered quotation I thought I had understood it to be ironic.
Am I the only one who’s really confused that this comment is quoting text that is different than the excerpt in the above comment?
Shhhhh! You’re ruining the attempt at replication!
No. Maybe Mao is joking?
I didn’t notice at first, but only because I did notice that you were quoting the comment above which I had just read and skipped over the quote.