Edited comments have an asterisk after the date, the lack of this asterisk indicates the comment has not been edited. Though this does not work for top level posts.
Maybe they are all someone else’s sockpuppets. At a given date, they will coordinatedly change some whitespace in their comments (but not the hash itself), thus framing Quirrell. Fortunately, now that I unmasked the plan, it is not really viable anymore.
How do I know you’re not all sock puppets of him? Clearly, the only solution is for everyone to keep a copy of it themselves.
Edited comments have an asterisk after the date, the lack of this asterisk indicates the comment has not been edited. Though this does not work for top level posts.
Maybe they are all someone else’s sockpuppets. At a given date, they will coordinatedly change some whitespace in their comments (but not the hash itself), thus framing Quirrell. Fortunately, now that I unmasked the plan, it is not really viable anymore.
I never noticed that before.