An observation I made a couple of years ago: some people gain inordinate amounts of pleasure from being prepared for things and I am one of those people. Examples, in escalating order of craziness, are r/EDC, r/bugout and r/preppers. These subreddits are preparedness-porn. I sometimes look at them and go “ooooh”. (I also sometimes look at them and go “but...ugh...why...why would you even want to do that?” so the porn metaphor is surprisingly apt.)
By good fortune, I’ve discovered I’m somewhere on this axis of crazy in between EDC and bugout. This seems to be a fortuitous amount of crazy. I’m overly-prepared for many of life’s pitfalls, but I’m unlikely to ever buy a fire steel, and I don’t have a machete in my wardrobe that I sharpen every day in readiness for Armageddon.
Because of the TV show The Walking Dead I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what I would do in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Alas, my wife and son refuse to help me prepare. My wife thinks we would have little chance of survival and my son would rather talk about how we should behave if sucked into the Minecraft world.
From an interview with a man who presumably had connections and a ‘gang’ and who nonetheless gave in to other gangs in an SHTF event::
Why did he go down so easy? Why did he not resist at the beginning with his crew? Why did he not had his own strong group during SHTF?
He had original answer: “Every time they were stronger than me, I simply had to let it go”.
His story is not so unique, but I know much more stories about how folks got killed because they refused to leave their home (and run) when under attack by several people armed with firearms, while they were unarmed, or armed with pistol or knife, clearly outnumbered.
Please do not get yourself killed, or allow your family to die when SHTF just because you put your “perfect” BOB on, your “zombie survival” rifle in your hands and went out to save the world.
Or to get killed because you “draw line and here you stand your ground” for example when they attack your home or your storage. Do you really want to die just to hold onto things?
An observation I made a couple of years ago: some people gain inordinate amounts of pleasure from being prepared for things and I am one of those people. Examples, in escalating order of craziness, are r/EDC, r/bugout and r/preppers. These subreddits are preparedness-porn. I sometimes look at them and go “ooooh”. (I also sometimes look at them and go “but...ugh...why...why would you even want to do that?” so the porn metaphor is surprisingly apt.)
By good fortune, I’ve discovered I’m somewhere on this axis of crazy in between EDC and bugout. This seems to be a fortuitous amount of crazy. I’m overly-prepared for many of life’s pitfalls, but I’m unlikely to ever buy a fire steel, and I don’t have a machete in my wardrobe that I sharpen every day in readiness for Armageddon.
Because of the TV show The Walking Dead I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what I would do in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Alas, my wife and son refuse to help me prepare. My wife thinks we would have little chance of survival and my son would rather talk about how we should behave if sucked into the Minecraft world.
Emergency preparedness rule 34: Someone has prepared for it, no exceptions.
Something about someone being prepared with it sounds more like what you’re saying, but that doesn’t flow as well.
Browsing thru the latter link led me to a quite balanced article about prepping that falls into the category ‘winning at life’:
From an interview with a man who presumably had connections and a ‘gang’ and who nonetheless gave in to other gangs in an SHTF event::
but you can get fresh coconuts and open them and machetes are so cheap!