The other thing I find annoying about the question is that it’s a false dichotomy. I might not know much about the subject, but be mildly interested and willing to accompany a partner. This isn’t being “dragged”.
I was just about to complain about this! No one talking to me could either feel not-welcoming because they don’t include me or it could feel like letting me listen and not putting me on the spot. Someone talking to me could make me feel welcomed, but if they were saying “so you’re like totally an outsider, right?” I would feel not welcomed at all.
The other thing I find annoying about the question is that it’s a false dichotomy. I might not know much about the subject, but be mildly interested and willing to accompany a partner. This isn’t being “dragged”.
I was just about to complain about this! No one talking to me could either feel not-welcoming because they don’t include me or it could feel like letting me listen and not putting me on the spot. Someone talking to me could make me feel welcomed, but if they were saying “so you’re like totally an outsider, right?” I would feel not welcomed at all.
I would probably interpret “dragged” more broadly, though that’d depend on the tone of voice.