yeah, but isn’t that because people often downvote or upvote in order to bring things back toward the middle? I’ve definitely seem people comment to that effect. Whereas polling shouldn’t have the same effect.
Take a look at the data. There’s a really clear inflection point. It’d be nice if the poll code gave us hashed IP addresses, /24s, or some other suitably privacy-protected way of checking against the more trivial sorts of poll-rigging, but it doesn’t.
yeah, but isn’t that because people often downvote or upvote in order to bring things back toward the middle? I’ve definitely seem people comment to that effect. Whereas polling shouldn’t have the same effect.
Take a look at the data. There’s a really clear inflection point. It’d be nice if the poll code gave us hashed IP addresses, /24s, or some other suitably privacy-protected way of checking against the more trivial sorts of poll-rigging, but it doesn’t.