6 × 10^30 kilograms of sand on one beach on one inhabited planet will collapse it into a black hole, which is far, far smaller amount of mass than 3^^^3 molecules of silicon dioxide. But adding one molecule of silicon dioxide to each of 3^^^3 beaches on inhabited planets throughout as many universes as necessary seems to cause far less disutility than adding 6 × 10^30 kilograms of sand to one beach on one inhabited planet.
Analogy does not fit. Dust specks have an approximately known small negative utility. The benefit or detriment of adding sand to the beaches is not specified one way or the other. If it was specified then I’d be able to tell you whether it sounds better or worse than destroying a planet.
Analogy does not fit. Dust specks have an approximately known small negative utility. The benefit or detriment of adding sand to the beaches is not specified one way or the other. If it was specified then I’d be able to tell you whether it sounds better or worse than destroying a planet.