New UChicago Rationality Group

Hey y’all!

I just started a rationality group on the UChicago campus and wanted to post it here to advertise it to UChicago-affiliated LessWrong readers. We’ve had a couple meetings so far which have been great, and I’m excited for more! A few more things:

(1) You can join the email list by submitting this form to be updated about meeting times, hear about events, and more!

(2) While we do not yet have university RSO (Registered Student Organization) status, I plan on applying for fall of next year. This would allow us to promote the club at the annual club fair, put up posters around campus (for events, fellowships, or other opportunities), and get some funding from the university.

(3) In general, the purpose of this group is threefold: (1) to create an in person community for those who would consider themselves rationalists (in the LW/​ other rationalist blogosphere sense), (2) to work on the martial art of rationality (for example, I plan to run a forecasting fellowship at some point), and (3) to counterfactually introduce UChicago students and faculty to rationalist ideas and the rationality community (both to raise the sanity waterline and increase the number of Effective Altruists on campus).

Any comments, questions, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If you want to reach out without using the comment section, you can also email me at