Robin Hanson tells us to have fewer opinions on things, to specialize and be agnostic about everything outside your field of expertise. This may be good advice, but most of us won’t take it. We’re too obsessed with being right about stuff, including things we didn’t study. Whether or not there is an external reason why being correct about something is useful, we usually care either way.
Most of our beliefs are based on what other people say, so the key skill seems obvious: identifying which people’s views to consider strong evidence. Mastering that means being on par with the greatest experts in every field – not in understanding of the field itself, but in accuracy of views on controversial topics.
Why is there so little talk about this? Maybe because it’s controversial, or it could be a status thing. I know I’d be uncomfortable with one entry if I had to share a short list of people who have a sizeable effect on my world-view. But even if that’s enough of a reason to avoid talking about conclusions, about which particular people are or aren’t trustworthy, it shouldn’t stop us from at least going meta.
So the second half of the post will be my first suggestion, a list of cues which I, on reflection, appear to follow, to determine whether or not to take another person’s views seriously. I’m almost certainly missing important ones, most likely even some that I use myself but am not conscious of. Items are phrased as actions: the person to be evaluated does X. Cues 1-8 are positive and improve trustworthiness, cues 9-12 are negative – though in reality most of them represent a spectrum and could also be phrased in the opposite way.
1. Is internally consistent
2. Is aligned with things I’m already confident in
3. Brings up points that aren’t obvious but make sense
4. Has high IQ
5. Uses implicitly or explicitly consequentialist arguments
6. Uses sentences that in isolation sound as sophisticated as necessary to make the point and not more
7. Performs an unusually low amount of visible signaling
8. Cites people I consider to be highly trustworthy
9. Assumes a high baseline of trustworthiness of other people based on their social status or academic degrees
10. Ascribes well-thought-out views to groups of people that haven’t been selected through a plausible filter
11. Bases her judgment of other people largely on the degree of agreement between her and their views.
12. Ascribes malicious intent to groups of people that haven’t been selected through a plausible filter
And of course there is a prior of trustworthiness based on past actions which may dominate any other cue.
The master skill of matching map and territory
Robin Hanson tells us to have fewer opinions on things, to specialize and be agnostic about everything outside your field of expertise. This may be good advice, but most of us won’t take it. We’re too obsessed with being right about stuff, including things we didn’t study. Whether or not there is an external reason why being correct about something is useful, we usually care either way.
Most of our beliefs are based on what other people say, so the key skill seems obvious: identifying which people’s views to consider strong evidence. Mastering that means being on par with the greatest experts in every field – not in understanding of the field itself, but in accuracy of views on controversial topics.
Why is there so little talk about this? Maybe because it’s controversial, or it could be a status thing. I know I’d be uncomfortable with one entry if I had to share a short list of people who have a sizeable effect on my world-view. But even if that’s enough of a reason to avoid talking about conclusions, about which particular people are or aren’t trustworthy, it shouldn’t stop us from at least going meta.
So the second half of the post will be my first suggestion, a list of cues which I, on reflection, appear to follow, to determine whether or not to take another person’s views seriously. I’m almost certainly missing important ones, most likely even some that I use myself but am not conscious of. Items are phrased as actions: the person to be evaluated does X. Cues 1-8 are positive and improve trustworthiness, cues 9-12 are negative – though in reality most of them represent a spectrum and could also be phrased in the opposite way.
1. Is internally consistent
2. Is aligned with things I’m already confident in
3. Brings up points that aren’t obvious but make sense
4. Has high IQ
5. Uses implicitly or explicitly consequentialist arguments
6. Uses sentences that in isolation sound as sophisticated as necessary to make the point and not more
7. Performs an unusually low amount of visible signaling
8. Cites people I consider to be highly trustworthy
9. Assumes a high baseline of trustworthiness of other people based on their social status or academic degrees
10. Ascribes well-thought-out views to groups of people that haven’t been selected through a plausible filter
11. Bases her judgment of other people largely on the degree of agreement between her and their views.
12. Ascribes malicious intent to groups of people that haven’t been selected through a plausible filter
And of course there is a prior of trustworthiness based on past actions which may dominate any other cue.