It happens regularly that a natural language goes extinct because the native speakers die off and their descendants no longer speak the language. Some people consider this a great tragedy and argue that we should preserve these endangered languages.
It seems to me that the utility of this is very low. Sure, it is sad to see your people’s language die out, but it is sadder to be poor or oppressed or suffering from curable diseases.
Moreover, languages die out for a reason. Once a language becomes endangered, it seldom recovers. If we make efforts to preserve a dying language, the language will probably stay on “life support” forever.
I can see the value in documenting a language before it goes extinct, because that can potentially tell us valuable insights about the human mind. But keeping endangered languages alive seems to me a very low utility activity that we can safely ignore in favour of lower hanging Effective Altruist fruits.
[Question] How great is the utility of “saving” endangered languages?
It happens regularly that a natural language goes extinct because the native speakers die off and their descendants no longer speak the language. Some people consider this a great tragedy and argue that we should preserve these endangered languages.
It seems to me that the utility of this is very low. Sure, it is sad to see your people’s language die out, but it is sadder to be poor or oppressed or suffering from curable diseases.
Moreover, languages die out for a reason. Once a language becomes endangered, it seldom recovers. If we make efforts to preserve a dying language, the language will probably stay on “life support” forever.
I can see the value in documenting a language before it goes extinct, because that can potentially tell us valuable insights about the human mind. But keeping endangered languages alive seems to me a very low utility activity that we can safely ignore in favour of lower hanging Effective Altruist fruits.
Am I missing anything here?