I have a similar response, but it is concentrated to only very few of the slogans, probably one in twenty or less. “Do not settle for second, winning is everything” has little or no effect on me, nor do some of the more outrageous/offensive/sexual ones, but “THEY DIED FOR YOU; LIVE FOR THEM” or “FALL SEVEN TIMES; GET UP EIGHT” are like a direct injection of energy.
I have a similar response, but it is concentrated to only very few of the slogans, probably one in twenty or less. “Do not settle for second, winning is everything” has little or no effect on me, nor do some of the more outrageous/offensive/sexual ones, but “THEY DIED FOR YOU; LIVE FOR THEM” or “FALL SEVEN TIMES; GET UP EIGHT” are like a direct injection of energy.
My response is probably concentrated to one in five or something like that.