This seems as useful as telling depressed people to stop being depressed. Fear of embarrassment is one of the strongest drives humans have. Probably appearing to be a fool in the ancestral environment led to fewer mates or less status. It’s not something you can just voluntarily turn off or push through easily.
The best strategy, I think, would be to work around it. Convince your brain that it’s not embarrassing. Or that no one cares. Or pretend no one is watching. Or do it around supportive friends.
It’s not something you can just voluntarily turn off or push through easily.
Actually, it is (sample size of 1). I used to be frightful of social circumstances because of fear of embarrassment. I really did get entirely over it just by saying to myself “Self, this is ridiculous. Stop being embarrassed.” Pure willpower can do amazing things. Unlike depression there isn’t a pharmacological effect going on here. You aren’t embarrassed because of some chemical imbalance. You’re embarrassed because you allow yourself to be. It is entirely mental.
Convince your brain that it’s not embarrassing. Or that no one cares.
That’s essentially what I’m saying to do.
EDIT: I should say however that there are a few cases where anti-anxiety medication can help. For most people however this is not the issue.
This seems as useful as telling depressed people to stop being depressed. Fear of embarrassment is one of the strongest drives humans have. Probably appearing to be a fool in the ancestral environment led to fewer mates or less status. It’s not something you can just voluntarily turn off or push through easily.
The best strategy, I think, would be to work around it. Convince your brain that it’s not embarrassing. Or that no one cares. Or pretend no one is watching. Or do it around supportive friends.
Actually, it is (sample size of 1). I used to be frightful of social circumstances because of fear of embarrassment. I really did get entirely over it just by saying to myself “Self, this is ridiculous. Stop being embarrassed.” Pure willpower can do amazing things. Unlike depression there isn’t a pharmacological effect going on here. You aren’t embarrassed because of some chemical imbalance. You’re embarrassed because you allow yourself to be. It is entirely mental.
That’s essentially what I’m saying to do.
EDIT: I should say however that there are a few cases where anti-anxiety medication can help. For most people however this is not the issue.