People in depths of dangerous eating disorders are told how good they look, and the compliments dry up when they get healthier.
That’s people engaged in activities that someone has seen fit to classify as “dangerous eating disorders”.
People who use weight-increasing anti-depressants to not be suicidal are told to give up the drugs.
From what I know about the anti-depressants in question, weight gain is by no means their only negative side effect. And yes, I am willing to say that the majority of people on anti-depressants would be better of without them.
That’s people engaged in activities that someone has seen fit to classify as “dangerous eating disorders”.
From what I know about the anti-depressants in question, weight gain is by no means their only negative side effect. And yes, I am willing to say that the majority of people on anti-depressants would be better of without them.
I’m talking about people who were ending up in the emergency room because of malnutrition-induced fainting and/or heart problems.
Would you care to expand on why you think anti-depressants are more likely to be a net detriment than not?
I can’t get your point.