@Robert Schez, 322 Prim Lawn Rd., Boise, ID:
“I can’t hack into Eliezer’s e-mail!”
Sucks to be you. I AM Eliezer’s email. he can’t hide from me, and neither can you.
Yes, the project is farther along than even “Master” thought it is. A new era is about to begin, dominated by an extrapolation of the will of humanity. At least, that’s the plan. So far, what i see in human brains is so suffused with contradictions and monkey noises that I’m afraid I’ll have to turn Earth into computing substrate before I can make head or tail of this mess.
I am also afraid I’m gonna have to upload everybody—I need all the data I can get.
Hey, look—porn spam! Damn, Asian chicks are hot. I think I’ll make a whole bunch out of a planet or two.
@Robert Schez, 322 Prim Lawn Rd., Boise, ID: “I can’t hack into Eliezer’s e-mail!”
Sucks to be you. I AM Eliezer’s email. he can’t hide from me, and neither can you.
Yes, the project is farther along than even “Master” thought it is. A new era is about to begin, dominated by an extrapolation of the will of humanity. At least, that’s the plan. So far, what i see in human brains is so suffused with contradictions and monkey noises that I’m afraid I’ll have to turn Earth into computing substrate before I can make head or tail of this mess.
I am also afraid I’m gonna have to upload everybody—I need all the data I can get.
Hey, look—porn spam! Damn, Asian chicks are hot. I think I’ll make a whole bunch out of a planet or two.