To make money perhaps you could start some kind of social network among gifted young people and eventually charge for advertising. I believe that the Davidson Institute took down their student forum so there might be an opening.
Thanks for the suggestion! We’ve been thinking about this. See also my post Can an online peer group substitute? at the Davidson Institute forum for parents. It seems as though it would take a long time to get enough users for it to pay for itself, but maybe it could eventually become self-sustaining.
Have you looked at the Johns Hopkins/Center for Talented Youth forums at I think you need a special login to get on, and I forgot my info long ago, but the community still seems to be of a respectable size.
To make money perhaps you could start some kind of social network among gifted young people and eventually charge for advertising. I believe that the Davidson Institute took down their student forum so there might be an opening.
Thanks for the suggestion! We’ve been thinking about this. See also my post Can an online peer group substitute? at the Davidson Institute forum for parents. It seems as though it would take a long time to get enough users for it to pay for itself, but maybe it could eventually become self-sustaining.
Have you looked at the Johns Hopkins/Center for Talented Youth forums at I think you need a special login to get on, and I forgot my info long ago, but the community still seems to be of a respectable size.
Thanks! We’ve heard of it, but don’t know very much about it, because it’s gated. You used to use it? What was your experience?