You could distribute cards for each vote, then allow them to be given away like currency. This seems, however, like a recipe for voter exhaustion. Also expensive. People don’t like the trivial inconvenience of giving away several cards a day, and it would be a bear to physically transport them all.
Doing this with a single “representative” card that can be retracted by individuals then requires a way to either bureaucratically track card possession, or to physically claw back the card. Sounds hard!
I think that Audrey Tang has been involved in Taiwan in experimenting with digital solutions that seem thematically related at least. She was on either Conversations With Tyler or the 80,000 Hours podcast in the last few months discussing it, I can’t remember which. Might be worth your while to look it up.
Implementation seems like a challenge.
Digital voting seems like a security risk.
You could distribute cards for each vote, then allow them to be given away like currency. This seems, however, like a recipe for voter exhaustion. Also expensive. People don’t like the trivial inconvenience of giving away several cards a day, and it would be a bear to physically transport them all.
Doing this with a single “representative” card that can be retracted by individuals then requires a way to either bureaucratically track card possession, or to physically claw back the card. Sounds hard!
I think that Audrey Tang has been involved in Taiwan in experimenting with digital solutions that seem thematically related at least. She was on either Conversations With Tyler or the 80,000 Hours podcast in the last few months discussing it, I can’t remember which. Might be worth your while to look it up.
For future people here: Audrey Tang has been on both Conversations with Tyler ( and the 80,000 Hours podcast (, but the latter was more recent and seems to be more related to this.