I expect to read a dashed-off blog comment that makes half a maybe-plausible technical argument against cryonics but is not turned into a blog post that sets the argument out in detail roughly once every three months. Every day I don’t read one, my confidence goes up. Reading that comment returns my confidence down to where it was about three months ago.
I think kalla724 might have something there, but I really hope he/she posts something with more details, and some specific examples. However, there is enough information in that post for someone with enough free time, a background in biochemistry, and literature access to begin researching the idea on their own...
My probability that cryonics will work has gone down after reading this.
I expect to read a dashed-off blog comment that makes half a maybe-plausible technical argument against cryonics but is not turned into a blog post that sets the argument out in detail roughly once every three months. Every day I don’t read one, my confidence goes up. Reading that comment returns my confidence down to where it was about three months ago.
Excellent—now apply a hope function and be even more precise!
I think kalla724 might have something there, but I really hope he/she posts something with more details, and some specific examples. However, there is enough information in that post for someone with enough free time, a background in biochemistry, and literature access to begin researching the idea on their own...