Your moderation norms are, of course, yours to declare and enforce, but I must note that this:
As an aside, I see that you tried to employ makeshift drop caps, but I don’t think it works well like that.
… does not, actually, have the same meaning as this:
this attempt at “drop caps” is an insult to drop caps.
I am happy to be as civil as you like, but what you propose sacrifices communication for civility. Once again, enforcing such a sacrifice is your right, by Less Wrong’s rules, but then you should know that the given norms will mean that certain information will simply not reach you.
Your moderation norms are, of course, yours to declare and enforce, but I must note that this:
… does not, actually, have the same meaning as this:
I am happy to be as civil as you like, but what you propose sacrifices communication for civility. Once again, enforcing such a sacrifice is your right, by Less Wrong’s rules, but then you should know that the given norms will mean that certain information will simply not reach you.