I think part of the problem is that the question being asked varies. It matters what your aims are, (weight loss, general health, etc.) and what you’re comparing it to. People tend to conflate:
For aim X, is Paleo better than the generic unstructured diet I’ve had up to this point? Probably yes.
For aim X, Is paleo better than a calorie and nutrient controlled diet based on all the available evidence? Probably not.
And what you mean by supporting it.
Is the paleo ‘philosophy’ that you should eat like in the ancestral environment always going to be best? No.
Is “eat more meat and vegetables and less refinied carbohydrates” a useful guideline for most people? Yes.
I think part of the problem is that the question being asked varies. It matters what your aims are, (weight loss, general health, etc.) and what you’re comparing it to. People tend to conflate:
For aim X, is Paleo better than the generic unstructured diet I’ve had up to this point? Probably yes.
For aim X, Is paleo better than a calorie and nutrient controlled diet based on all the available evidence? Probably not.
And what you mean by supporting it.
Is the paleo ‘philosophy’ that you should eat like in the ancestral environment always going to be best? No.
Is “eat more meat and vegetables and less refinied carbohydrates” a useful guideline for most people? Yes.
Losing bone mass is one reason I don’t adopt, besides weight loss in general.