I think the most important sentence for LWers was: ”...if it is not an American Singularity it is going to be a Chinese Singularity...” (David Chalmers). He said that he has been talking about it at a military academy and that thought arose in the end.
Politics might be a mind-killer but now that the Singularity gets front-page coverage from popular magazines, acceptance within the academics and military attention, it is only a question of time until this topic will be discussed by politicians. The problem is, what does this mean for the SIAI? Can the SIAI avoid political struggle once people like Sarah Palin take it seriously? Will they allow the SIAI to keep working unsupervised, or at all? Can the SIAI compete with DARPA? Is the SIAI ready for large scale attacks by foreign spies, for example Chinese cyber attacks?
The problem is, what does this mean for the SIAI? Can the SIAI avoid political struggle once people like Sarah Palin take it seriously?
This prompts the age old question “Could Eliezer advocate FAI with enough credibility that even writing more fanfiction couldn’t make him seem silly?” (I hope not!)
I think the most important sentence for LWers was: “If it is not an American Singularity it is going to be a Chinese Singularity” (David Chalmers). He said that he has been talking about it at a military academy.
I can’t say either of those options appeals to me especially. How is FAI research going in, say, Canada?
It is not that he suggested that, it is taken out of context. He said that was the thought that arose in the end while discussing the topic of superhuman AI at a military academy. And I wanted to highlight that such thoughts might be the likely outcome if the idea gets more popular. It will be we vs. them. Politicians and the military might actually encouraging building fooming AI as fast as possible so that the Chinese don’t take over.
I think the most important sentence for LWers was: ”...if it is not an American Singularity it is going to be a Chinese Singularity...” (David Chalmers). He said that he has been talking about it at a military academy and that thought arose in the end.
Politics might be a mind-killer but now that the Singularity gets front-page coverage from popular magazines, acceptance within the academics and military attention, it is only a question of time until this topic will be discussed by politicians. The problem is, what does this mean for the SIAI? Can the SIAI avoid political struggle once people like Sarah Palin take it seriously? Will they allow the SIAI to keep working unsupervised, or at all? Can the SIAI compete with DARPA? Is the SIAI ready for large scale attacks by foreign spies, for example Chinese cyber attacks?
This prompts the age old question “Could Eliezer advocate FAI with enough credibility that even writing more fanfiction couldn’t make him seem silly?” (I hope not!)
I can’t say either of those options appeals to me especially. How is FAI research going in, say, Canada?
It is not that he suggested that, it is taken out of context. He said that was the thought that arose in the end while discussing the topic of superhuman AI at a military academy. And I wanted to highlight that such thoughts might be the likely outcome if the idea gets more popular. It will be we vs. them. Politicians and the military might actually encouraging building fooming AI as fast as possible so that the Chinese don’t take over.
DARPA do fund a fair bit of artificial intelligence research already:
Then there’s IARPA:
Uh huh...