I’m not sure whether I’m misunderstanding your point, but the paper proves that there is a coherent probability distribution P(.) that assigns probability 1 to both T and to the collection of reflection axioms [a < P(‘G’) < b] for P(.); this implies that there is a probability distribution over complete theories assigning probability 1 to (T + the reflection axioms for P). But if (T + the reflection axioms for P) were inconsistent, then there would be no complete theory extending it, so this would be the empty event and would have to be assigned probability 0 by any coherent probability distribution. It follows that (T + the reflection axioms for P) is consistent. (NB: by “the reflection axioms for P(.)”, I only mean the appropriate instances of [a < P(‘G’) < b], not anything that quantifies over a, b or G inside the object language.)
I’m not sure whether I’m misunderstanding your point, but the paper proves that there is a coherent probability distribution P(.) that assigns probability 1 to both T and to the collection of reflection axioms [a < P(‘G’) < b] for P(.); this implies that there is a probability distribution over complete theories assigning probability 1 to (T + the reflection axioms for P). But if (T + the reflection axioms for P) were inconsistent, then there would be no complete theory extending it, so this would be the empty event and would have to be assigned probability 0 by any coherent probability distribution. It follows that (T + the reflection axioms for P) is consistent. (NB: by “the reflection axioms for P(.)”, I only mean the appropriate instances of [a < P(‘G’) < b], not anything that quantifies over a, b or G inside the object language.)