I’ve got a stack of papers that have outstripped my stapling capacity.
I would be more than happy to fasten the papers you refer to, in whatever groups you would like, for the reasonable price of 38562.50 USD, paid to User:Kevin.
Wait, do you perform the actual functions of a paperclip
I like to make paperclips, so I can perform any role involving simple application of paperclips.
Is this job opening limited to humans?
Are you looking for work? I’ve got a stack of papers that have outstripped my stapling capacity.
Wait, do you perform the actual functions of a paperclip, or have I just committed an egregious alien-goal-system faux pas?
Hiring Clippy to hold papers together seems analogous to hiring Eliezer for preventing a 120-year-old sick person from dying.
I would be more than happy to fasten the papers you refer to, in whatever groups you would like, for the reasonable price of 38562.50 USD, paid to User:Kevin.
I like to make paperclips, so I can perform any role involving simple application of paperclips.