A Brief Defense of Athleticism

Non-athletic thinkers are myopic. I see at least three very important reasons any rationalist must value exercise.

As someone who has trained extremely hard in distance running, sports in general and athletic conditioning in particular create an intuitive understanding of the fallaciousness of Cartesian Dualism and the accuracy of materialism in the sense that the mind is merely a part of the body.

Physical challenges also force one to understand the limitations of Kahneman’s “system two.” For example, one may know what it means to not start a race too quickly and then “die” (running jargon for running out of steam prematurely), but repeated failures in actual races teach one to realize the limitations of one’s rationality, especially under stress (even if distance running is classified as eustress rather than distress; remember, cortisol levels & arousal are the same in either case).

Conditioning has been shown to increase cognitive performance. Results of a quick google finds: This study notes better reaction time in fit adolescents (no causal link, n = 30). This review shows decreased “system 2” aging in physically fit elderly individuals (causality likely, preponderance of evidence). Acute exercise (<1 hour) has also been shown to cause immediate improvements in decision making. I recommend a deep dive into the mechanistic research into the causes of this for structuralists. But any Bayesian looking to be more rational ought to make an update and start working out.

(Edit: Grammar)