Franklin approached building trust networks deliberately and with great success, but choose friends based on more romantic notions that repeatedly ended in disasters.
That’s interesting. I should study Franklin. (The stories sound entertaining, if nothing else.)
The humor came through alright. (Even if the part about that being a merchant tactic didn’t—that’s context the reader is missing, though can pick up on well enough.)
Franklin has a lot to teach. Isaacson’s biography is not detailed enough to be super useful, though. I’d want something more in line with what Robert Caro does for LBJ. If anyone has a suggestion, let me know.
That’s interesting. I should study Franklin. (The stories sound entertaining, if nothing else.)
The humor came through alright. (Even if the part about that being a merchant tactic didn’t—that’s context the reader is missing, though can pick up on well enough.)
Franklin has a lot to teach. Isaacson’s biography is not detailed enough to be super useful, though. I’d want something more in line with what Robert Caro does for LBJ. If anyone has a suggestion, let me know.