I tried to express my thoughts on the topic in one of the posts. Instead of thinking of ourselves as agents with free will, we can think of agents as observers of the world unfolding before them, continuously adjusting their internal models of it. In this approach there is no such thing as a logical counterfactual, all seeming counterfactuals are artifacts of the observer’s map not reflecting the territory faithfully enough, so two different agents look like the same agent able to make separate decisions. I am acutely aware of the irony and the ultimate futility (or, at least, inconsistency) of one collection of quantum fields (me) trying to convince ( =change the state of) another collection of quantum fields (you) as if there was anything other than physical processes involved, but it’s not like I have a choice in the matter.
I tried to express my thoughts on the topic in one of the posts. Instead of thinking of ourselves as agents with free will, we can think of agents as observers of the world unfolding before them, continuously adjusting their internal models of it. In this approach there is no such thing as a logical counterfactual, all seeming counterfactuals are artifacts of the observer’s map not reflecting the territory faithfully enough, so two different agents look like the same agent able to make separate decisions. I am acutely aware of the irony and the ultimate futility (or, at least, inconsistency) of one collection of quantum fields (me) trying to convince ( =change the state of) another collection of quantum fields (you) as if there was anything other than physical processes involved, but it’s not like I have a choice in the matter.