Voted down for not following the proper template, things like themes should be discussed in the child post, and you forgot BOTH the links.
Edit: Why was this dowvoted? And the post it comments on not fixed? Are people opposed to threads with some actual structure and being committed to punish defection from that structure that is harmful to the thread at large?
I dunno, I think we can point out that saying something like “Would you mind reformatting this?” works better in a single message board reply. The ask-don’t-tell heuristic itself is pretty easy—it’s learning how to generate heuristics like that on one’s own that’s hard.
One of the downvotes is mine. I agree with Risto that your tone is counterproductive, disagree that Dr_Manhattan’s posting style is ‘harmful to the thread at large’, and strongly prefer that we have a norm of not giving orders to each other.
free will
superhumanity and value drift
utilitarianism (Adrian) vs deontology (Rorcshach)
joy om merely real
Ok, made a proper top level comment for this. Would you mind deleting this one and put the content as a child to that instead?
Sure, thanks!
Voted down for not following the proper template, things like themes should be discussed in the child post, and you forgot BOTH the links.
Edit: Why was this dowvoted? And the post it comments on not fixed? Are people opposed to threads with some actual structure and being committed to punish defection from that structure that is harmful to the thread at large?
Voluntary coordination needs rapport to work, and this tone isn’t very good for building one.
… what IS a good tone for it then?
You need a bit more than a single message board reply to learn it if you can’t tell why the ordering people around above is putting people off.
I dunno, I think we can point out that saying something like “Would you mind reformatting this?” works better in a single message board reply. The ask-don’t-tell heuristic itself is pretty easy—it’s learning how to generate heuristics like that on one’s own that’s hard.
One of the downvotes is mine. I agree with Risto that your tone is counterproductive, disagree that Dr_Manhattan’s posting style is ‘harmful to the thread at large’, and strongly prefer that we have a norm of not giving orders to each other.