I incidentally thought about this long before I got sold on this site. just wanted to mention that came to mind: evoloop (IIRC minimum size loops couldn’t be beat, but when I checked wikipedia again nvm there might be more to it. anyway, suppose a less strategic game where there’s no conservation of resources and the best option is just to try to expand, then the meta devolves into spamming) and oskar’s belgian maze, where trying to probe for information could get you into deeper mess
I incidentally thought about this long before I got sold on this site. just wanted to mention that came to mind: evoloop (IIRC minimum size loops couldn’t be beat, but when I checked wikipedia again nvm there might be more to it. anyway, suppose a less strategic game where there’s no conservation of resources and the best option is just to try to expand, then the meta devolves into spamming) and oskar’s belgian maze, where trying to probe for information could get you into deeper mess