A hand I had accidentally dumped boiling liquid over, although the reduction in pain wasn’t complete in that case, and it was difficult to maintain concentration. (I couldn’t make my attention… large enough? To encompass the entire hand.)
I don’t generally apply the technique, because it’s usually counterproductive; the problem with pain is that it is distracting me from what I want to pay attention to, so giving it my full attention is just making the problem worse.
What was the strongest pain to which you successfully applied the technique?
A hand I had accidentally dumped boiling liquid over, although the reduction in pain wasn’t complete in that case, and it was difficult to maintain concentration. (I couldn’t make my attention… large enough? To encompass the entire hand.)
I don’t generally apply the technique, because it’s usually counterproductive; the problem with pain is that it is distracting me from what I want to pay attention to, so giving it my full attention is just making the problem worse.
You mean you have to keep up the mental concentration to keep the pain reduction?