On the contrary, I think it would be more important to avoid having out-of-character hostility from the main threads spill over to the roleplay. One important rule would be, don’t vote for or against an in-character post based on whether you agree, or how rational it is, but rather on how consistent it is with the setting and the character being portrayed. If you want to criticize a fictional character’s statement, do so within the context of that fictional world, rather than sniping from behind the impenetrable ramparts of reality.
This just sounds better and better. Practice with devil’s advocating can help people develop rationality skills without being sabotaged by their usual egos. But then you have to help them de-compartmentalize and apply it as themselves.
We’d have to be careful flaming didn’t spill over into the main threads. I think Karma would take care of that.
On the contrary, I think it would be more important to avoid having out-of-character hostility from the main threads spill over to the roleplay. One important rule would be, don’t vote for or against an in-character post based on whether you agree, or how rational it is, but rather on how consistent it is with the setting and the character being portrayed. If you want to criticize a fictional character’s statement, do so within the context of that fictional world, rather than sniping from behind the impenetrable ramparts of reality.
This just sounds better and better. Practice with devil’s advocating can help people develop rationality skills without being sabotaged by their usual egos. But then you have to help them de-compartmentalize and apply it as themselves.
I am glad to have contributed, particularly in a way so closely connected to my obsession with nested worlds.