What counts as a “conversion”? I was baptized Catholic, but my family was otherwise extremely lapsed. I don’t think I really believed in anything that strongly before briefly dabbling in various esoteric practices. JREF and Gödel, Escher, Bach convinced me otherwise.
I converted long before I heard of Dawkins. Reading God Delusion at work made for a very awkward conversation with my boss once, but he was the one who came out as a dick, and after that, everybody has been pretty quiet about the whole religion thing.
We have quite a few atheist converts on LW. How about a poll?
Upvote if you converted to atheism, and Richard Dawkins made the conversion neither easier nor harder.
Upvote if you converted to atheism, and Richard Dawkins made the conversion easier.
Upvote if you converted to atheism, and Richard Dawkins made the conversion harder.
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What counts as a “conversion”? I was baptized Catholic, but my family was otherwise extremely lapsed. I don’t think I really believed in anything that strongly before briefly dabbling in various esoteric practices. JREF and Gödel, Escher, Bach convinced me otherwise.
I converted long before I heard of Dawkins. Reading God Delusion at work made for a very awkward conversation with my boss once, but he was the one who came out as a dick, and after that, everybody has been pretty quiet about the whole religion thing.
Karma dump.